How Ilson are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Ilson are you?

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  • stop making these quizzes, I've never heard of ilkeston and I don't care how much I am! these town quizzes are only relevant to people who live there. There's a box you can tick when it's only aimed at a small number of people when you make it that says "this quiz is about me or a circle of my friends"

  • I didn't participate in it I just went to the comments to tell you that you don't need to make one about your town, a whole list of random unheard town quizzes all over the website.

  • The answer to Question 5 is actually the Mayor of Erewash not the Mayor of Ilkeston as there is no longer either an Ilkeston Borough nor an Ilkeston Council, but I did know what you meant!

  • The question asking what snap means has obviously been posed by someone who doesn't understand Ilkeston . It means food, not lunch or dinner or any orhter meal ,......yo cud b acused a bein gormless !!

  • Dear chocolatefrog: who forced you to participate in this quiz? Why would you want to spoil a few people's fun just because you can't join in. I conclude that you are a mardy spoil-sport.

    tolerated tres
  • Choclatefrog with all respect Gerrova ya whinin sent Kermit!


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