how icp are you

Hi my name is...well it doesnt matter what my name is. you see when i was just a young lad i had istened to my first icp album.them guys are my absolute favorite. i rock hatchet man on my car and i bump all there songs.

one stormy night in the middle of march i was sitting in my cusins basement playing on the computer and i came across this i decided to make a quiz to see if people understood icp and what there about.

Created by: vince
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. were is icp from?
  2. which one is not a member of icp
  3. how many members are in icp?
  4. what rapper(s) does icp beef with?
  5. wich one is not one of icp album?
  6. what is another member of icp?
  7. wich one is not a song by icp?
  8. wich group has icp not done a song with?
  9. what 2 primary colors do icp paint there faces?
  10. what record label are they under

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Quiz topic: How icp am I