How hygenic are you?

There are a lot of people who care very much about hygiene but only a few people who are masters at it. They always bath, brush their teeth, eat their fruits and vegetables, go to bed early and loads of other hygenic activities.

How hygenic are you? Will you be around 25%, 50%, 75%, or maybe even 100%? You will never know. I wish there is a way! Oh wait! There is! What is it? You ask. It's a quiz of course. Take it and you'll find out. Enjoy!

Created by: Hygenic blah blah blah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you brush your teeth?
  2. How often do you take a bath?
  3. Do you smoke?
  4. Do you wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner?
  5. How much fruit do you usually have a day?
  6. Do you drink fizzy drinks?
  7. How long a day do you go on the internet?
  8. How many times a week do you go on the internet?
  9. How many hours sleep do you get?
  10. What is your usual routine?
  11. What do you think about this quiz?
  12. Will you rate?
  13. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: How hygenic am I?