How Howrse Crazy Are You?

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Hi everyone, im cookie maree. This is my howrse quiz. Its called "How howrse crazy are you?" WEll i named my quiz that because you can see how howrse crazy you are.

For my howrse crazy test, you can see how howrse crazy you are. You could be "extreamly howrse crazy" or "sort of howrse crazy"or"you hate howrse" You can get pretty good results but a few bad results. So lets see your results!

Created by: cookie maree of this site
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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Long Do You Play Howrse For?
  2. cookie maree is:
  3. Do you check howrse everyday?
  4. What is more important for you on howrse?
  5. What makes you happy?
  6. Why do you use gameplay on howrse?
  7. Whats better?
  8. If you could be an animal, what would it be?
  9. What does howrse do to you after you play it?
  10. Are you a girl girl or country girl?

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Quiz topic: How Howrse Crazy am I?