How hot tempered are you?

My quiz is a amazing quiz to see how hot tempered y’all are ........I have to write at least 150 charechters but I have nothing's else to say so here ya go.

I am so epic, I will mAke you mad no matter what. Hehehe HA HA HAHA....... now take my quiz or else I will come haunt your dream.,. DUDE. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Created by: Potato troll
  1. Do you get angry when someone lightly makes fun of you?
  2. Do you get mad easily?
  3. Do you get mad when people say “ugh” ?
  4. Do you get mad over the littlest things? Like, little things?
  5. Do you hate me for asking this question?
  6. Am I annoying you for asking this question?
  7. Are you annoyed I am still asking this question?
  8. You still have 2 more questions to go!
  9. gaderf
  10. He he I so epicc

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Quiz topic: How hot tempered am I?

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