how HOT do you think you are?

There are only HOT people and only COLD people in this world, and this quiz will tell which one you are! What is HOT? Well HOT is when you do all the daring stuff in life but make it look sexy! What is COLD?Well COLD is when your life is just plain boring and you don't ever go for any thing sexy or just different things!

Are you HOT or COLD ? Do you have the sexiness that we're asking you?Well once you take this quiz you will at last know which one you are!so go ahead take the HOT quiz!

Created by: kaylyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you like mini skirts and dresses or ripped jeans or shorts or ect.
  2. do you wear make-up?
  3. do you have children?
  4. would you wear a bikini or a one piece or something else
  5. do you have a boyfriend or a husband? or are you single or are you a guy and have a wife and or a girlfriend or are you single ? do you want a boy/girlfriend yet if your single?
  6. whats your faveorite color ?
  7. do you think your hot yourself?
  8. would you wear high heels or sneakers or filp flops or sandals?
  9. what is your favorite kind of movie?
  10. what's your favorite kind of music?

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Quiz topic: How HOT do I think you are?