How Horsey are You

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There are many horse lovers out there but VERY few are true pure horse fans! Horse fans must be truly passionate about horses and love working with them!:)

Are you a TRUE horsey person / Well the only way left to find out is to take this test! Don`t worry. It isn`t THAT dark and scary! This test will test your knowledge of horses! Good Luck!:)

Created by: fireblaze7896

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What tool do you use to clean horses hooves?
  2. What is the part on the bridle that goes in the horses mouth?
  3. What is a longe?
  4. Have you ever riden a horse?(besides at the zoo.)
  5. What is a stirrup?
  6. What do you use a pitchfork for?
  7. What is the tree of a saddle?
  8. What is a water trough?
  9. How often do you have to worm your horse?
  10. Where is the dock of your horse?
  11. What does a buck look like?

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Quiz topic: How Horsey am I