How high are you?

There are people who smoke weed. and people who think they smoke weed. This test isnt for you if you just smoked some oregano or some basil. peace.....

ARE YOU STONED? take this test to light up the stoned meter and see how many balls you are trippin. Wait . what? this is a test? yeah bud now hit the bong again.

Created by: Jim
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the color of life
  2. What is Higih spelled backwards?
  3. Take a hit or a rip?
  4. What is your name?
  5. Cheetos or Water
  6. Last time you toked?
  7. Your favorite band is?
  8. How tall are you?
  9. Need a glass of water?
  10. Ever been stuck in an alternate demension?

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Quiz topic: How high am I?