How "Hellyeah" are you?

Hellyeah is an essence in danger of extinction due to bitter, bitter poopieheads. It's obtained from energy drinks, video games, and the energy found in skateparks and movie theaters, and people who have a lot of hellyeah essence within them are cooler than those without. However, many people still have varying amounts of hellyeah essence within them.

If you're curious about Hellyeah, take my quiz to see just how much hellyeah essence you have in you! Are you a Hellyeah master or the reason its going extinct?

Created by: Sophia of Don't lose me!
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you skateboard?
  2. Choose a song
  3. How do you dress on a daily basis?
  4. Best fast food place?
  5. Do you own a digicam
  6. At the mall, which store do you spend the most time in?
  7. Are you...
  8. Have you ever been to a concert!
  9. Best pizza place
  10. Best energy drink brand
  11. You're at the gas station, which drink are you getting?
  12. Best hangout spot?

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Quiz topic: How "Hellyeah" am I?
