How Heavy Is Your Ideal Soulmate?

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Find out how fat or thin you’d like your perfect lover to be, be it as skinny as a twig, to pleasantly chubby, or even jumbo-sized! This quiz isn’t gender-specific, but does have two specific questions regarding eachs’ sexual preference.

(The results of this quiz and depictions of the body weights mentioned are not meant to stereotype or even idolize people of those respective weights, but are meant to detail the traits that you may preferably find in your lover according to your results. With this in mind, please do not take offense from this quiz or it’s results)

Created by: Bob Boolcher
  1. What would you make/order them for dinner
  2. Where would you bring them on a date?
  3. Where do you prefer they work?
  4. What pet would they have?
  5. What would be their favorite kind of ice cream?
  6. Where would you two go for your honeymoon?
  7. What would be her sexiest physical trait? (female soulmate)
  8. What would be his sexiest physical trait (male soulmate)?
  9. Is she any preferred race? (female soulmate)
  10. Is he any preferred race? (male soulmate)
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Heavy Is my Ideal Soulmate?

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