How healthy is your lifestyle?

Some people make terrible health choices. Some people may have a bad background or mental health, and such people may make it to the age of 70 or 75...

Are you in good health? Do you think that you could easily and healthily make it to 90, 95, or even 100?. Take this quiz to see how healthy your life is.

Created by: Gyat
  1. First Question: Do you smoke?
  2. What is your BMI?
  3. Weekly exercise?
  4. Take your temperature or know your recent. What is it?
  5. There is 8 ounce cup that contains 4 ounces of water. Describe how full/empty it is
  6. How often do you do you M*********?
  7. What time do you go to bed?
  8. How many genders are there?
  9. Where (Broadly) do you live?
  10. When did roblox shut down for 3 days?
  11. What kind of job do you work?
  12. Income?
  13. (Mental health matters also) Do you have depression?
  14. Which number is worse?

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Quiz topic: How healthy is my lifestyle?

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