how haunted R U?

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Are you haunted? Do things go missing, or poof out of thin air? Are there voices none could make? If so then you might be haunted. It is OK if you want to be haunted of course!

This is the only quiz that you actually want a low score. Unless you want your life more interesting like me. And also just answer truthfully and enjoy!

Created by: BaNaNa
  1. do hear voice none made?
  2. do U get chills often?
  3. R U catholic?
  4. do U get weird messages?
  5. do U know anyone that is cursed?
  6. do U believe in ghosts?
  7. do U see bones in weird places?
  8. do U get visions?
  9. what dose this look like? ok?
  10. when U see a needle U think:

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