how hard are you getting spanked?

not sure how severe you need to get spanked? you came to the right place! do this quiz and find out! I hope you havent been too naughty or you wont be able to sit for a long time.

why does this need 150 character long and not too much repeated text dude, are you joking me, like what am i supposed to write, i said everything in the first paragraph. oh. there we go

Created by: maya
  1. what did you do?
  2. are you sorry?
  3. Why did you do it?
  4. do you think you deserve a punishment?
  5. on a scale from 1 to 10 how bad was what you did?
  6. would you do it again?
  7. did you apologize?
  8. how do you want your bottom to look like?
  9. are you going to complain about your punishment
  10. whats your age?
  11. favourite color.
  12. do you like spankings?
  13. how much time have you been punished this week?
  14. why are you doing this quiz?
  15. do you prefer corner time or spanking?
  16. what spanking do you prefer?
  17. are you usually rude to people?
  18. after this test, are you going to do your punishment
  19. do you swear a lot?

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Quiz topic: How hard am I getting spanked?
