How Happy Are You?

How Happy are you? There are so many emotions in the human psychological bowl called a brain. In this whose we're going to distil all that nonsense down to a few answers.

Are you Result One? Do you think you can get that one? Or is it Result Two for you? There's also results Three and Four, but we don't really know what you'll get. Just take the quiz to find out.

Created by: Justin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you originally from the American Southeast?
  2. Are you now in the American Southeast?
  3. Do you want to be in the American Southeast?
  4. Are you happy?
  5. Are you well educated?
  6. Are you poor?
  7. Are you well versed in the art of eating Ramen?
  8. Are you non-religious, and/or a fan of logic and Reason?
  9. Are you tired of this quiz, because it seems stupid?
  10. Are you thinking that there's no way to find any real joy? Ever?
  11. Are you named Justin, Jacob, Sean, or Kevin? And does your last name begin with an E, S, G, R, or an F?

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Quiz topic: How Happy am I?