how good you know august alsina

there are few people who know who he is or even listen to songs of his if you got people who dont know august alsina tell them to do there research smh

do u know him did you know he made the song that came out in 2013 ghetto that you probly listen to on the daily and didnt even know it was august alsina take this test and find out alot of thing about him you didnt know

Created by: ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how old is august alsina
  2. what is august alsina favorite restaurant
  3. where is he from
  4. what is his full name
  5. which song ft yoing jeezy
  6. who is he signed with
  7. what was his first mixtape (damn well not testimony)
  8. what was his first song
  9. which one of his songs ft Lloyd
  10. what award did he win at 2014 bet awards

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