How good would you survive a zombie apocalypse

Surviving a zombie apocalypse not only requires physical strenght but metal too. To survive will need to apply your skills.

Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? Take this quiz to find out! Many scenerio questions!

Created by: Christian

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Youve packed supplies. Where do you head to?
  2. Do zombies scare you?
  3. How will you carry your supplies?
  4. How are your surviving in the wilderness skills? (making fires, getting food, etc.)
  5. Out of all these skills, which one are you the best at?
  6. How do you and nature get along with?
  7. If you could only take 1 of these weapons, which one would you take? (**Pay attention the the weapons status!)
  8. You meet another surivor, he seems nice, what do you do?
  9. Night is coming. Where would you sleep?
  10. Someone is being chased by zombies. What do you do?
  11. Its been cold outside and youve noticed that youve been coughing more than usual and have a runny nose. What do you do?
  12. What would be the first supplies you head off to look for?
  13. How well can you handle violence/gore?
  14. What best describes you?

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