How Good's Your Knowledge of Halo 4's Weapons?

Halo 4, a New Game. A New Journey with New Enemies and most of all New Weapons as well as the awesome originals. But there are some who Don't know how to use them to Their advantage.

Do YOU Have the MUST-HAVE knowledge about the Weapons, you're only tools of survival? Or are you a Ní˜í˜B who doesn't know anything about them or HOW to use them? There's only 1 way to find out. Take this quiz to see if you've got what it takes to make it through the Campaign and War Games.

Created by: Lance Starsky
  1. What is Halo 4's Signature Weapon?
  2. Which of the Following Covenant Weapons is Considered to be a Battle Rifle?
  3. Is the Forerunner Scattershot a...
  4. What Weapon's Rounds Explode after a Few Rounds?
  5. What is the Strongest and Most optional Grenade to Use?
  6. Which 2 Weapons were Featured in the Cutscenes?
  7. In Campaign Level "Composer" (Level 7), what was the Weapon that Had to be used to take out The Covenant Hunters?
  8. What Weapon is most commonly used by Promethean Watchers?
  9. How Many Shots From a Sniper Rifle does it take to kill a Big Daddy Enemy? (Meaning The Covenant Elites & Promethean Knights)
  10. What is The Didact's Weapon of Choice?

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Quiz topic: How Good's my Knowledge of Halo 4's Weapons?