How Good of a Warrior are You?

In this quiz you will answer ten questions. They each have there own senarios, you must choose a answer that you think best apply's to the senorio. You must choose the action that you would do.

After finishing the quiz, you will see a score that is between 0% through 100%. You should aim for the highest score possible. If you get a score you don't like the score, retake the quiz.

Created by: Austin Springer
  1. You have a squirrel and are just taking it over to eat it in your den when you see a hungry elder. What do you do?
  2. You follow your sent to a badger den. You see a badger and have only a party of three other warriors. You won't be able to fight him off without more warriors. What do you do?
  3. You are attacked by Shadowclan. What do you do?
  4. Starclan wants you to go to the Twoleg place? What will you do?
  5. Your friend is drowning. But you can't swim. You...
  6. You are hunting. You see a vole and a robin, which one do you go for? ( Hint: Which ones bigger? )
  7. You see an intruder. What do you do?
  8. Who do you save first? Leader, mate, kit?
  9. Do you perfer strong warriors, loyal warriors, or kind warriors?
  10. You have love in another clan. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: How Good of a Warrior am I?
