How good of a rider are you?

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You may think your all that with your riding skills but to really find the real truth then do the quiz, you better be ready for a real test! come play!

Watch out becuase the bad rider plioce is comin im just kidding. im sure your a great rider just have fun with it :) share this on facebook or whatever you want!!

Created by: Madalyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What leg do you rise on to the trot
  2. Do you know what a pommel is?
  3. can you jump bareback
  4. were do you ride?
  5. what is a bit?
  6. can a horse sweat
  7. whats a saddle pad
  8. what is a OTTB
  9. how many months is a horse pregnet?
  10. how good of a rider are you?

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Quiz topic: How good of a rider am I?