How Good of a Friend are You?

F.R.I.E.N.D.S! Are you a good friend or are you a bad one? Take the quiz and see....If you dare! Mahahahahaha! -My EEVVIILL laugh!- Mahahahahaha!!!!!

Are YOU a true friend? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!Come on and see!!! If ya dara mate!

Created by: Sammie
  1. what would you do if your friend was getting bullied?
  2. Your friend is about to move away. You...
  3. Is your friend...
  4. Your friend just kissed your crush.They said that will never happen angin but they kiss angin! You...
  5. For all of the next questions just pick a letter/number!
  6. letter/number!
  7. letters/numbers!
  8. letters/numbers!
  9. letters/numbers!
  10. letters/numbers!
  11. letters/numbers!

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Quiz topic: How Good of a Friend am I?