How good of a friend are you?

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Guys, please check out my quiz story Being Skylar! I worked really hard so check it out! Remember to request quiz ideas for others quizzes to make! And remember to check out being Skylar!!! It's really cool!

Are YOU a good friend? Find out!!!! Remember to request quiz ideas for others quizzes to make! And remember to check out being Skylar!!! It's really cool!

Created by: ACB
  1. Do you get jealous of you friends?
  2. Do you fight or talk about them behind their backs?
  3. Do you ever compliment them?
  4. Do you hang out with them often?
  5. That's all!
  6. Glossy life
  7. Ckagskm
  8. Msunharjstsjfykf
  9. Will you comment request and/or rate?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How good of a friend am I?