how good of a family guy fan are you?

this quiz is to see how big of a family guy fan you are and see if you have even watched the show "cause it is the best show ever" so just try it out and see if u like it!

so you think your a true family guy fan huh? well lets find out here are some simple questions about the show so see how u do! see if your as good as u think you are

Created by: coty
  1. how many kids does peter have?
  2. what is lois madiden name?
  3. what does stewie wanting to do?
  4. what is the name of the bar peter goes to?
  5. what is peters daughters name
  6. does lois have a retarded brother?
  7. who is peters crippled friend?
  8. when stewie kills lois it was?
  9. what is brian?
  10. how old is peters daughter?

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Quiz topic: How good of a family guy fan am I?