How good MMer you are??

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Marcus &Martinus make Europe believe in love.. Did they make you too? Well if you are a MMer they are doing this every day..They are doing the same thing to everyone!😍😍😍

This is a quiz for all the Mac&Tinus fans around the world! !! How good MMer are you?? You will find out at this quiz!!👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Created by: Athens
  1. How old are they??(in 2018 )
  2. Did they went to Mad video music awards 2018 at Greece??
  3. What was their first English song??
  4. When did they born??
  5. Which is their surname??
  6. Which one is not their song??
  7. For which football team are they playing??
  8. Which are their lucky numbers??
  9. How many albums do they have??
  10. Whats their favourite food??
  11. Which is their favourite animal??
  12. Who is taller??
  13. How many songs do they have??

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