How good is your Wings of Fire OC?

How good is YOUR Wings of Fire OC? Take this quiz to find out! I tried to get all the aspects of creating an OC, so you can have a good time. Anyways, I come enjoy yourself with this quiz!

There are five ranks your OC can get. #1: YOU DESERVE YOUR OWN BOOK, #2, This is really good! #3, Nice! #4, Okay, #5, Mary Sue/under developed. Enjoy!

Created by: Elise Harvey
  1. What tribe are they?
  2. How many tribes are they mixed with?
  3. Are they involved with any prophecies?
  4. Do they have magic?
  5. How common is their name?
  6. What is their backstory?
  7. What is their personality?
  8. What gender?
  9. Are you going to write a fanfic?
  10. What status are they?

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Quiz topic: How good is my Wings of Fire OC?
