How good is your Warrior Cats fanfiction clan?

Do you have a fan clan that you think you could improve, or do you just want to see what I think of it? Answer these questions on what you think your cats would do if these scenarios ever happened

*Remember* No matter what the results say, your clan is still amazing! Keep it up! No matter what other people thing! Can't wait to learn about your clan!

Created by: Blue Star
  1. Where is your clan's camp?
  2. If a cat of the clan went missing what would the clan leader do?
  3. Does the fresh kill pile usual fill up by sunset?
  4. Your clan's warriors come back with an intruding cat from another clan, what does the leader do?
  5. If the leader finds clan cats breaking the warrior code...
  6. What age should a kit become a apprentice
  7. A clan cat passes away...
  8. At a gathering, Starclan coverers the full moon with clouds because the clans are fighting, what does your clan leader and their clan do?
  9. Your clan is getting drove out by twolegs or another clan...where will you go?
  10. Does your clan believe in starclan?

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Quiz topic: How good is my Warrior Cats fanfiction clan?
