How Good Is Your Music Taste?

I guess I'm supposed to describe this quiz now. First of all, it's mainly about the amazingly talented musician, Corbyn Besson. I hope you've heard of him! If not, go look him up real quick.

Now that you've looked up Corbyn Besson, you might have a better chance of getting a 100% on this. Aye, not everyone can. I hope you've made the right choice and followed at least his Twitter, @corbynbesson. Check out his SoundCloud: Corbyn Besson

Created by: CorbynsGirlfriend
  1. Do you know who Corbyn Besson is?
  2. Do you like to listen to Corbyn Besson?
  3. What is your favorite word?
  5. Do you follow Corbyn Besson on Twitter?
  6. Do you follow Corbyn Besson on SoundCloud?
  7. Are you a Bessonator?
  8. Do you like his Vines?
  9. I'm running out of questions.
  10. Have you downloaded his single The Only One?

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Quiz topic: How Good Is my Music Taste?