How good do you know Kakashi

This is the ultimate quiz on kakashi.. See what you know inside this quiz.. ~filling up space here so random words are used in the next, i don't know..

This test is complety random and irrelevent.. Who cares? At least i didn't name it: Sex, Sex, More sex, Mmk? Not impressed? Get lost. i don't care. My grammer is terrible? Enjoy this: SuP MEh Naes XxxSwAgOttxxX Beches

Created by: Skylar Hunter
  1. What colour is kakashi's hair?
  2. What colour is kakashi's hair?
  3. What colour is his vest
  4. What is kakashi's nickname
  5. Would you date kakashi?
  6. Would you kill kakashi?
  7. Do you think this is pointless?
  8. Are these questions getting pointless and unrelevent?
  9. Is kakashi sexy?
  10. Who are kakashi's students?
  11. Did you notice this is over?

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Quiz topic: How good do I know Kakashi