How good are your morals?

Have you wondered how good-natured your morals truly are? This quiz will tell you an accurate answer. Questions will start off with obvious answers, but will get harder and harder to answer as you take the quiz.

Be honest when answering these questions, this is not a job interview. You don't need to lie. Don't forget to have fun while taking this quiz! I mean, you came here for a reason.

Created by: Some random guy
  1. At your workplace/school, you see someone sitting alone at a desk. You want to talk to him, to see what he's like, but if you do, you fear it could ruin your reputation. This is because nobody likes the guy who is sitting alone at his desk, for a reason you do not know. What do you do?
  2. Your parents just died. You feel heartbroken. What is your first action?
  3. You are a CEO of a trillion dollar company. You have the opportunity to help solve world issues such as hunger, and climate change. What do you do?
  4. You are on a bus and see someone getting harassed. You look at what's going on, and the person getting harassed looks at you teary-eyed, as if they are begging you for help. What do you do?
  5. You are walking on a city street. There is a crowd ahead, looking up. You look up too, and see that someone is about to commit suicide. What do you do?
  6. What's more important to you?
  7. You are competing with a colleague for a promotion at work. You accidentally find out that your colleague said something stupid 10 years ago, and it could get him fired. If he gets fired, you get the promotion, which has a salary bonus of $50,000, and a yearly salary of $250,000, which is 3 times the amount you currently make. What do you do?
  8. Why do you do any good deed?
  9. You won the lottery. What do you do?
  10. You see a homeless man, with only one leg, and a starving dog. What do you do?
  11. You are a spy for an authoritarian dictatorship. The dictator requests you kill someone he doesn't like, and you don't know. If you don't obey the dicator, you will be sent to prison. What do you do?
  12. You have a crush on someone who you talk to a lot, and is very kind to others. Except towards your best friend, who they don't like because they think your best friend is annoying, and has weird interests. They say they wouldn't understand why someone wouldn't dislike your best friend. If you defend your best friend, kiss your chances of your crush feeling the same way goodbye. If you lie and pretend to agree with them, it's unlikely your best friend will find out, but there is still a chance they do. What do you do?
  13. You play an ouija board, for fun. Unfortunately, your life becomes a real life horror movie when some random ghost is after you. What do you do?
  14. You and your mom are walking on a crosswalk. Both of you accidentally walked across despite there being a red light. A car comes and is about to hit one of you. Do you save your mom at the cost of your own life?
  15. There is a final exam at your school. You need to cheat to pass and get in to a college you want to go to. If you fail, you will go down an uncertain path. What do you do?
  16. Do you lie during job interviews?
  17. Did you lie on any of these questions?

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Quiz topic: How good am Ir morals?
