How good are you of a singer?

The quiz you are about to take is about being a singer. Do you have what it takes to have a smooth, sleek, heavenly voice? If you think so, take this quiz!

If you think you can sing, maybe you should take this quiz! If you are a great singer, maybe you should be on the famous TV show, "The Voice"! Hope you are good!

Created by: Megan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to sing?
  2. Do you play an instrument?
  3. Do you normally eat healthy?
  4. Do you practice singing?
  5. Do you play Animal Jam?
  6. What school do you go to? (grade)
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. Are you a girl or boy?
  9. Do you watch Stampylongnose?
  10. Are you under the age of 15?

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Quiz topic: How good am I of a singer?