How Good Are You in Goal? Goalie Quiz

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There are many good goalies but not everyone is good in goal. Take this quiz to find out if you have what it takes to be a professional goal keeper.

Answer each question honestly and you will get an accurate answer. Good luck.

Created by: zane
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do if someone is really close to the goal?
  2. Are you scared to dive?
  3. Have you got a powerful kick.
  4. Have you got a powerful throw.
  5. Have you got a powerful throw.
  6. Were do you play football?
  7. Do you have a pair of goalie gloves?
  8. How many people are on a football team?
  9. What is the top post of the goal called?
  10. When did you start playing in goal?

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Quiz topic: How Good am I in Goal? Goalie Quiz