How good are you at soccer

Are you good at soccer? Do you drink water every day? Do you practice every day? Won't to find out? Take the quiz, to see how good you are!!!

Created by: Hayden
  1. How many times do you drink water in one week?
  2. How many times do you practice in a week?
  3. Yes or no: Do you keep your eyes on the ball at all times?
  4. Are you a good sport?
  5. Do you watch a lot of t.v. in a day?
  6. What do you won't to be when you grow up?
  7. Do you like soccer?
  8. Do you eat fruits and veg.?
  9. Is your couch a boy or a girl?
  10. Is your Brother or Sister on your team?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at soccer