How good are you at Flappy Bird?

Flappy Bird was, at one point, the most downloaded game in the App Store. We all know what happened to it- people were getting too addicted, sending death threats to the creator, stuff like that, and so the creator of it took it down.

Whether you already had it downloaded or are playing a knock off version on the internet, how good are you? Just saying, I'm not good at it AT ALL, so...

Created by: ilovepuppyz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever played Flappy Bird?
  2. Do you play it often?
  3. Compared to your friends' high scores, your score is...
  4. What do you typically get before dying?
  5. Do people typically say you're good at it?
  6. What is you're high score?
  7. Are you good at Flappy Bird?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at Flappy Bird?