how good are you at drawing ( im weird expect weird things )

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if you got 10 or 0% or 30% probably not an artist but you can draw a dot but not a dragon or snake ( random animals ) but if your above 40% you can draw whatever u want

btw everyone im super creative so like my favorite fantasy animal is a galaxy dragon i love phoenixes and all but mine is a dragon ( all about myself ok ) i love to draw but i hate games( video ) don't but but but- me its bad for your eyes! ( random so this is 100 catheters long)

Created by: imheretodie
  1. first do you even like drawing, if not draw a human and give it to the person
  2. have you drew something and hung it up because its good?
  3. ( reminder this is my first test and i forgot to say that )do you like this test?
  4. last question- if your a artist click yes or no- if not click i can draw-
  5. bonus- scenario- you draw something really and your friends are offering 20$ for it but your teacher says you should try to put it in the art museum and get more money but you sell it to the museum and promised you give it to them
  6. your done ok just click a random number
  7. bouns- are you even creative -click your favorite aminal in the box-
  8. i tried to publish this didn't work out sorry there's more this is the end so just click somthing
  9. random thing so i could publish* NO EFFECTS ON WHAT YOU CHOOSE!!!
  10. u

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Quiz topic: How good am I at drawing ( im weird expect weird things )
