How good are you at Biology?

They say knowledge is power. We know this, even many of us acknowledge it. The quiz here brings to you a brief, but intriguing trivia of questions about the science of life. You may wanna give it a try.

If you think you're smart enough to beat this questionnaire of a quiz. Show what you have got under your thick cranium! And if you're pass, you get the title of genius for sure.

Created by: Amir of AFlameOfWord
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Histone contains what?
  2. Which statement is false?
  3. What's the term for genesis of organism from unfertilised egg?
  4. Which of them gives Feulgen reaction?
  5. Gemmules are concerned with:
  6. What's the correct sequence?
  7. Which of the cells produce antibodies?
  8. Which of these were the first plants with vascular tissues?
  9. What hormone does Corpus Luteum secrete?
  10. Broca area is concerned with?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at Biology?