How good a goalkeeper are you?

Football is an amazing game. Many people will say that the goalkeeper is the most important player on the team. I agree with them! One mistake and that could cost your team the victory.

So, how do you know if you are good enough to play this important role in such a beautiful game? The simple answer is, this quiz. 12 questions. That's all! Enjoy...

Created by: Benjamin Bullock

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long are your fingers in scale to the rest of your body?
  2. What is your best distraction when someone is taking a penalty?
  3. Do you wear goalie gloves?
  4. How close would a striker have to come (With the ball at his feet) for you to grab the ball?
  5. How tall are you (round up/down please)?
  6. Put yourself in a game situation: Your man has taken down a player from the other team in the box. A penalty has been given. The player taking the penalty is left footed. Which way should you dive in order to have the most chance of saving it?
  7. How long have you played in goal?
  8. Can you touch the cross bar of an 11 a side football goal without jumping/going on tip toes?
  9. Can you drop kick a ball... High Long or Both?
  10. Do you throw over arm or under arm?

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Quiz topic: How good a goalkeeper am I?