How good a friend are you?

Most people make a good friend. Others are not so good as those people. In order to be a good friend, you would need to be loyal, trustworthy, kind, selfless(kind of). A friend is the kind of person who would put their friend before themself.

But how many people actually know their own ranking of friendship, how many people actually know what a good friend and bad friend means? Fortunately this quiz was made for the clueless, and after taking this, all will be revealed!

Created by: Ally

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friend is being picked on, do you...
  2. Yoour playing baseball with a group of mates, and your friend is humiliated by missing the ball 10 times with the bat, do you...
  3. Your invited to a really cool party... but your friend isnt, do you...
  4. Your little sister wants to show your friend her toys, do you...
  5. Your friend has a pasion for animals and wants to take you to the zoo, but your not really bothered about animals, in fact, you sometimes find them bor-ing!
  6. Your friend has the flu, and is getting bored lying in bed doing nothing, you...
  7. Your going on holiday, and your friend is really upset do you...
  8. Your friends round your house on the computer with you, and they are getting tired of this quiz, but your on the last question, do you...
  9. Great you find there is yet another question!
  10. Great, that wasnt the last question either, oh well. Anyway, your friend has been in a fight and has turned up with the biggest black eye you have ever seen, do you...
  11. You have just got the results for a really improtant exam, but your friend got a few F's.

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Quiz topic: How good a friend am I?