How girly are you? (lol this is a trash quiz)

Are you asking yourself the question: are you masculine or feminine? Take this quiz to find out! These questions will lead to the answer of whether you are boyish, girly or both!

There ten simple questions which will determine whether you are a more girly person or not. Kinda stereotypically tbh… Anyway, good luck! Wait a minute, does a test like these need good luck….

Created by: Maya
  1. What would you wear to a beach party?
  2. Fav color?
  3. How often do you swear?
  4. When would you use makeup?
  5. What kind of makeup would you use
  6. What shows did you watch as a child?
  7. What toys did you play with as a child?
  8. What kind of movies do you like?
  9. What do you like to be?
  10. What gender are you?

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Quiz topic: How girly am I? (lol this is a trash quiz)
