How genius are you

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Are you one of the rare geniuses? If you dont know come here to this quiz you know you want to. JUST DO IT. dont give up on your dreams go back to sleep.

Are YOU a genius? If yes congratulations if not oh well you WILL get there. if you don't think you can STOP IT because you can you can do it you are as unique as everybody else.

Created by: Daja
  1. Whats 1+1?
  2. What color is the sky?
  3. Pop or chocolate?
  4. What dose a rainbow mean?
  5. What is a book?
  6. What dose a cow?
  7. What dose the fox say?
  8. What is mineral?
  9. What is candy?
  10. Are we animals?

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Quiz topic: How genius am I