How geeky r u? ;)

some people are geeky and others are as cool as a cat? which are you? this quiz is just for fun and please exuse the speelling mistakes! please comment and rate!

thanks for reading this cuase most peopke don't i know i don't! but i hope u like this quiz and since u r being soo repectful and reading this i give props to u! enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Kylie Creams
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your idea of a fun time?
  2. Faverite book out of these
  3. friends?
  5. grades?
  6. faverite color?
  7. faverite sport?
  8. faverite word out of these?
  9. thanks for taking it1
  10. last question? faverite smiliy?

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