How geeky are you?

This quiz is just a little tester on how geeky you are. Do you think you're geeky? Well, you'll find out in a couple of minutes by taking this quiz!!!

So, do you think you're a genius? Just take this quiz, like I said, and you'll find out. It's really easy and totally random, so don't really worry if you get a bad score. Good luck!

Created by: anfal
  1. Who were the suffragettes?
  2. Who is Oprah Winfrey?
  3. What is 6000 times 53? (Don't use a calculator).
  4. Ok, this is a random question. You did a test. What score did you get?
  5. What would you rather do?
  6. What is 'The Gruffallo' about?
  7. What word is the correct spelling?
  8. What is an eyebrow called that looks like you have only one eyebrow?
  9. Give an example of a simile.
  10. How are frogs formed?
  11. What is your IQ?
  12. What is 7043578+988807? (No cheating!)

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I?