How geeky are you

This is a short funny weird quiz to see if you are geeky or stupid finish the questions to find out if you are a mega genius or a stupid star ⭐ 🌟 💫

I had tons of fun doing this although my friend was bugging me a bit I still had lots of fun so I really hope you have just as much fun doing it as I did making it

Created by: Mira
  1. What do you think about school
  2. Whats your fav food
  3. Whats your fav color
  4. Do you burp
  5. Do I hate geeks
  6. How many sports do you do
  7. What would you describe yourself as
  8. Do you have long hair
  9. What do you want your answer to be
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I
