How geeky are you?

You may be a geek or you may not! But being a geek is not a bad thing. A geek Rules! I might be a geek but geeks rule and don't be sad if your a geek!

So think about it are you a geek? Its nothing to be ashamed of! Don't forget to post your results on my big campus because i will to see them! Thanks!

Created by: Haliyat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you shop?
  2. what kind of glasses you have?
  3. What is your favorite subject out of these?
  4. do you use your own email ALL THE TIME
  5. do you like anime?
  6. do you know a lot of facts?
  7. What books do you read?
  8. do you know a lot about computers and how they work?
  9. do you watch any of these? star wars doctor who lord of the rings
  10. do you like science?
  11. do you consider yourself a geek?

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I?