How gay are you

What does it take to be gay? Well you can discover this here. This test was created by a bonafide lesbian, and will provide results for any gender. Trust me, I know gay.

What percentage gay are you!? Are you worried your percentage will be too low? Or maybe you're afraid to discover the truth... either way come on in! What are you afraid of? (Disclaimer this is obviously a joke... ok. Don't be dumb)

Created by: Nicole
  1. Do you listen to Carly Rae Jepsen?
  2. Have you ever died your hair?
  3. What colors do you die your hair (if any)
  4. How often do you wear flannels?
  5. Your opinion on Doc Martins?
  6. What kind of music do you listen to?
  7. What do you hope the outcome of this quiz will be?
  8. Are you attracted to your gender at all?
  9. Opinions on Sappho
  10. Thoughts on Achilles
  11. Favorite Flower

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Quiz topic: How gay am I