How Gay are you

This test is not serious its just for fun but everything that says (me) I actually did yes I have a boyfriend if you are wandering and yes I am male lol

Do I seriously need two God sake this is crazy! Wow so much typing now my thumbs hurt lol. Remember this is not serious if you are sure you aren't gay, TAKE IT AS A JOKE!

Created by: JokeTimeLol
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a boyfriend?
  2. If no. Do you want a boyfriend
  3. Do you think this is a waste of time because you are not gay?
  4. Are you female and took this for fun?
  5. Do you find intercourse with the opposite gender repulsive?
  6. Do you think this is offensive to gay people?
  7. Have you kissed a boy?
  8. Have you affectionately hugged a boy?
  9. Have you been felt by a boy?
  10. Have you felt a boy

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Quiz topic: How Gay am I