How Funny Are You???

only 5% of people who take this test will recieve 100% score, reach 100% and you have joined the hall of fame (along with yours truelly) and are officially funny

are you funny? lifes greatest question( except for 'who just farted') many people say they are when they really arent so find out if you are with this test.

Created by: tyler howard
  1. do you think that you are funny?
  2. somebody says your jokes arnt funny what do you do?
  3. have you ever laughed so hard you threw up?
  4. do people refer to you as class clown?
  5. is your math book filled with drawing of retarted animalls?
  6. do you have a sense of humour?
  7. would you take more quizs by me?
  8. are all your jokes your own material?
  9. do you usually laugh so hard at small things like when the teacher rights 69+69 on the board? btw 69+69=problem(lol)
  10. byby

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Quiz topic: How Funny am I???