how funny are you?

There are many funny people, but few true jokesters. Being funyy is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a jokester? A jokester is someone who has an extraordinarily funny mind, and is able to make people laugh.

Are YOU a jokester? Do you have the funny bone to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: carll
  1. how do you feel about clowns? !
  2. what dose wtftpp mean?
  3. why did the mushroom go to the party?
  4. There once was a group with Liam and Niall, Vas Happening boys ,Vas Happening HARRY POTTER boys...They lived with Zayn and their room was vile, Vas Happening boys, Vas Happening boys...etc
  5. glkh;glkh;
  6. How do you feel about The Simpsons?
  7. did you like this quiz?
  8. Random words!!
  9. what do you like the best?
  10. what entertains you the most?

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Quiz topic: How funny am I?