How fun are you?

Many fun people are on this planet. Are you fun? Are you boring? How fun are you? How boring are you? Fun people do fun things while boring people, well they don't.

How fun ARE you? Thanks to this quiz, you can find out! This quiz has questions about what you do for fun! So all you need to do is take the quiz and see if you are fun!

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you think you have a fun idea to do over the weekend, what would it be?
  2. What do you do when your home alone?
  3. Do you think laser tag is fun?
  4. What is the most fun game to play?
  5. Do you have a phone?
  6. What do you play at school?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. I have nothing to ask just click ok.
  9. Jump up and down or spin in circles?
  10. Do your friends think your fun?

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Quiz topic: How fun am I?