How frostbitten are you?

There are not many frostbitten people, and a very few black metal-heads is very tr00. Black metal is, afterall, not for everyone. What is black metal? Black metal is the bastard son of metal, the reason behind lots of murder and church burnings.

Are YOU frostbitten? Do you have the hate to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this hateful quiz of darkness, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Jocke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many of the following bands do you know: Mayhem, Burzum, Satyricon.
  2. How many of the following bands do you know: 1349, Drudkh, Watain
  3. How many of the following bands do you know: Marduk, Taake, Nargaroth.
  4. How many of the following bands do you know: Nortt, Xasthur, Leviathan
  5. How many of the following bands do you know: Absurd, Nokturnal Mortum, Temnozor
  6. How many of the following bands do you know: Satanic Warmaster, Graveland, Ad Hominem
  7. How many of the following bands do you know: Totenburg, Akitsa, Der Stí¼rmer
  8. How many of the following bands do you know: Goatmoon, Moonblood, Eisenwinter
  9. How many of the following bands do you know: Mí¼tiilation, Vlad Tepes, Belketre
  10. How many of the following bands do you know: Sní¶tí¥rar, Cry of Silence, Jarovit
  11. How many of the following bands do you know: Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast, Moonfog
  12. How many of the following labels do you know: Northern Heritage, No Colours Records, Zyklon-B-Productions
  13. How many of the following labels do you know: Werewolf Records, Abyss Records, Black Hate Productions
  14. How many of the following artists do you know what band(s) they play/been playing in: Varg Vikernes, Mikko Aspa, Nazgul von Armageddon

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Quiz topic: How frostbitten am I?