How friendly are you (A tribute to "hey it's me")

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This quiz was tributed to "Hey it's me"Because I took a quiz about how friendly I was, And trying to click the happy rating I actually clicked the angry 1😅

So have fun on this amazing quiz that I've made by myself And with a little inspiration from "Hey it's me"! I hope you get the friendliness that you want! Good luck!!!!!

Created by: Emmy
  1. What do you do if a stranger comes to talk to you
  2. Do you like McDonald's chicken nuggets
  3. What would you rate a quiz (On average)
  4. If you saw someone bullying another person what would you do
  5. How well do you brush your teeth
  6. Is this fun
  7. How happy are you (on average)
  8. Where would you go heaven or hell
  9. How friendly do you think you are??
  10. If you had to murder someone in this moment who would it be!

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Quiz topic: How friendly am I (A tribute to "hey it's me")
