How friendly are you?

This is a quiz about how friendly you really are at the end you get a bonus so I hope you enjoy this quiz please don't be offended if you don't get what you want.

I hope this will help you and your friends please share and have as much fun as you can this quiz might not be accurate so do not worry I hope you have a fun and fab day

Created by: Hey it's me
  1. How friendly do you think you are?
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. How many friends?
  4. If you went on holiday were would it be?
  5. What's your favourite animal?
  6. How old are you? (Won't effect score)
  7. What's you favourite emoji?
  8. How much do you like this quiz?
  9. If you saw your friend being bullied what would you do?
  10. Are you excited about your result?

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Quiz topic: How friendly am I?
